4 old cob watchtowers built in the late Qing dynasty, over 100 years ago. The location of towers will have an urban renewal project, so the only way to protect them is by moving the towers to a new pointed location by 24 axle lines China SPMT. The new location will be developed to a 2,800m² watchtowers’ exhibition square. Cob watchtowers also called block towers, built to defense robbery a hundred years ago. The job performed by Shanghai Xianwei, a company specialized in lifting and moving of bridges and buildings.
They are very old and precious cob buildings, reinforcement work in and out of those towers is a must-have job before to go. Several hundred meters moving took hours, but preparation work took 62 days. After the tower’s foundation excavated and reinforced by concrete piers, the SPMT went under the concrete piers then lifted the tower for movement.
Due to the narrow paved road and precise location requirements, modular trailer is not suitable for the specific job.
Related products: lowbed semi trailer, turbine trailer.