200 tons self-propelled beam transporter in the northwest of China

The application project of self-propelled bridge beam trailer and launching girder is in the northwest of China, Hami city. China Communications Construction Company Limited is the contractor.
The length of the bridge beam is 30 meters, weight is 200 tons. The above photos show the first bridge beam was transported by long beam trailer successfully.
180 tons bridge beam trailer in the west of China

The bridge beam trailer’s application is in Sichuan province, expressway construction.
70 tons bridge beam installation in the east of China
Application of long beam trailer:

Jiangsu Province 240 Highway CL-2 section construction in China. The above photo shows the first piece of the bridge section transported and installed by our bridge section trailer.
As you can see from above photo, both dollies eqiupped with two turntables.

The section is 25 meters long, the height is 1.4 meters, 70 tons in weight. The successful installation of the precast concrete beam signs the bridge project started its upper structure construction.

To ensure the first long beam installation, the project department is instructed by headquarter, discussed and inspected the transportation path road, earth foundation, lunching girder, bridge section transport, installation method and other key links.
The bridge section trailer also available for high-speed railway and railway bridge construction. China SinoTrailers also supply railway crane.